…okay, so this fell into desuetude last year, while m’wife was having both her knees replaced and I was really not good for anything much.
But! I am back! And I have actual, honest-to-goodness news to share!
People, you have Only Two Days Left to pre-order MARY ELLEN, CRATEREAN, the third book in the Crater School series. After that time, you will just have to, y’know, order it like a regular book-buying person, for June 20th is Publication Day, yay!
Here is a link to the page which will tell you anywhere and everywhere you may order it from, apart from your own preferred bookshop (which, y’know, is also fine): everything you need to know, Wizard’s Tower Press will tell you here.
Also, you should probably know that I am hurtling, aye, hurtling along with volume four, RADHIKA RAGES AT THE CRATER SCHOOL. That’s half done already. You can follow along, as ever, at my Patreon, for the price of a cup of coffee.
Also also, I am bringing myself up to speed with the unfinished second adventure of Christian Priest and Sherlock Holmes, PAGE AND MONARCH, FORTH THEY WENT, in hopes of getting that moving again over on Ko-fi, another of those buy-me-a-coffee deals, for I am sore in need of caffeine to keep all this stuff coming.
Also also also, I’m proofing and vaguely editing the scanned text of FEAST OF THE KING’S SHADOW, vol 4 of the reissuing Outremer novels, also from Wizard’s Tower Press, so that shouldn’t be too long a-borning.
Aaand we are culling our book collection(s) and otherwise redistributing stuff to other places, with an eye to moving next year, so that’s going to be fun. Perhaps I’ll keep you abreast of the hilarity, with regular updates. Who can say?
Meanwhile, thanks for hanging around here, those of you who have.